Become a Member
Competitive Rates
Basic Membership: The pricing below reflects the basic membership package (standard equipment and amenities plus the use of the weight, cardio and functional fitness rooms and the indoor walking track).
Additional Monthly Fee: For an additional fee ($25 for Individuals; $40 for Couples and Families), you can add group fitness, water aerobics and pickleball to your membership. This can be paid monthly or in an annual lump sum.
Daily Guest Rates
Ready to Join?
Welcome to the Community Wellness Center at Second-Ponce! We’re excited to have you! Joining the CWC is simple. Complete the forms and pay online. Scroll to see rates for non-church members and guests.
Want to take a tour first? Appointments are encouraged but not required. You can book one by calling Chelsea, our membership specialist, at 404.591.4382.